Tuesday, January 11, 2011


American homeowners are downsizing from the McMansion craze of the past few decades.  While the average size of a home doubled from the 50s to the 2000s, the average home size has shrunk in the last two years.
Cindy Perman writes that the median home size has shrunk from 2,300 square feet in 2007 to 2,100 today. That may not seem like a huge jump, especially considering the average home size in the U.S. in the 1950s was 983 square feet…

Assisting Maryland Communities

Rowhomes in Baltimore
  • Heritage Structure Rehabilitation Tax Creditssupports community revitalization through the rehabilitation of historic commercial and owner-occupied residential properties.
  • Maryland Heritage Areas Program provides funding for heritage tourism development activities that stimulate economic development and promote regional identity.
  • Smart Sites are site-specific capital projects that show how State and local partners can work together to coordinate and align investment in innovative ways that catalyze smart growth in appropriate areas throughout Maryland.
  • Community Legacy provides funding for local economic development activities that stimulate reinvestment and strengthen neighborhoods throughout Maryland.
  • Neighborhood BusinessWorks provides below market loans to small business that locate or expand in target revitalization areas, bringing new services, jobs and vitality to their surrounding communities.
  • Community Development Block Grant funds help strengthen Maryland’s communities by expanding affordable housing opportunities, creating jobs, stabilizing neighborhoods and improving overall quality of life.
  • Community Investment Tax Credits support 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations by awarding allocations of state tax credits to use as incentives for business contributions.
  • Main Street Maryland helps strengthen the economic potential of the state’s traditional downtown business districts by helping them improve the economy, appearance and image using the principles of Smart Growth and sustainability.
  • The Transportation Enhancement Program (TEP) supports communities in developing transportation projects that improve the quality of life in the community.
  • Context sensitive design is a collaborative approach that involves all stakeholders to develop a transportation facility that fits its physical setting and preserves scenic, aesthetic, historic, and environmental resources.
  • When Main Street is a State Highway offers communities a step-by-step, comprehensive process to identify and achieve community goals in developing transportation projects.