Wednesday, February 16, 2011


Woodbridge, Va.: Mr. Tallant, what is the first thing you notice when you enter a home?

Shane Tallant: Honestly...the first thing I notice is the smell. Your home must have a clean/fresh smell to grab my attention. Buyers are going to be turned off right from the start if your house doesn't have an inviting scent.
Bake cookies or put cinnamon sticks in the oven during your open house

Greenport, N.Y.: What is the single best renovation project in terms of bang for the buck?

Shane Tallant: Paint, paint paint!!!

Herndon, Va.: What do you think is the one thing that homeowners absolutely have to focus on to sell their home?

Shane Tallant: If its all you can do... KEEP IT CLEAN! Get rid of all the clutter and have it professionally cleaned prior to the open house.

Click Here for the article